Author: admin
New Book: Becoming Mekong-Youth’ released!
The Journey of Youths in Defending for Ecological Child Rights and youth rights.’ (Article originally written by Mekong Youth Assembly, 2 February 2019) To capture how Mekong Youth Assembly is now today, the ‘Becoming Mekong – Youth” publication was created. This publication tells you story from the beginning until the Mekong Youth Assembly is now […]
KALITAWHAN: Lowering MACR back to 9 will do more harm than protection
A statement on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility KALITAWHAN Network is in disbelief and outraged that some lawmakers are considering lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (MACR) to 9-years old. We believe that this is in direct contravention of the Philippine’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child […]
Consumption without Child Labor
According to the ILO, 152 million children between the ages of five and 17 years work. Among them, 72 million girls and boys are in dangerous work, such as in quarries or commercial plantations. They do night work or have far too long working hours. Consumption without child labor – tips for a fair purchase […]
Mekong youth voice: A voice at international forum
Originally posted at the Mekong Youth Assembly website (June 24, 2018) As a young woman who always advocates for youth voice to protect Mekong river, Saroeurn Leakhena, a young activist traveled to attend the 8th World Water Forum “Sharing Water” that was held from 18 – 23 March 2018 in Brasilia, Brazil, to bring stories, concerns and the […]
Philippine Partners’ Statement Against Arbitrary Arrest of Minors
PHILIPPINES: The President ordered a directive to implement “Oplan Tambay” to round up “loiterers” in public spaces, including children in street situations. The intention for this may be well-meaning but these arbitrary arrests are not for the best interest of the children. Here is the statement of child rights advocates about the situation.
Emergency Response for the Crisis in Marawi, Philippines
I am Acmad M. Macatimbol, a Maranaw and a staff of Gitib Inc., a tdh project partner in the Philippines. This is the second time that me and my family experienced living under Martial Law, first when it was declared in the 21st September 1972 and for the second time starting last 23rd of May […]
Curriculum on Ecological Child Rights in Mekong Development: A Guide Book for Young Trainers
When a development project takes place in a community, it can have both positive and negative impacts on the people and ecology, where we live. In particularly, the group of people who can least protect themselves are the children and young people. The concept of ecological child rights (ECR) was originated to promote and protect […]
Green Camp 2k17
Last 25 August to 1 September 2017, the Secretariat of the project ‘Our Rivers, Our Life’ (OROL), together with 12 youth from RWG from Bogor, 12 youth from Orang Rimba, 3 teachers from Sokola, 2 Adults from RMI went to join the Green Camp with Youth group in Jambi, Indonesia. They spent 4 days and 3 nights learning […]
Annual Report 2016
Our Annual Report for 2016 is now available in English. Take a look at what we’ve done with your support. Thanks a lot! Read it here: tdh Annual Report 2016